How Far is TOO Far.....
There are a lot of days that I leave class (219, 211, and my English 300 class) thinking the words "What in the heck just happened?" This creates a problem for this simple mind I have because I often don't read into things. It was mentioned on Tuesday that sometimes people take things way to far out of context and the real meaning becomes extremely far removed from the truth. But is that really the case? I noticed this when I was reading some of the Wallace Stevens poems for the Pod-Cast today.
My Poem is titled "The House was Quite and the World was Calm", and I find it to be very simple. OR is it? I think that it is saying that not matter what happens in the world, reading a book always brings you back down to reality. It calms you and creates a sense of inner peace. Reading a book before one goes to sleep creates calmness, like the words your mother wispers in your ear before bedtime. When you open a book, it is only you and the book.....or you IN the book....or you being the book! By doing this, you are untouchable for that instant, and nothing can break the silence and calmness created.
So! Is that really it....or did i not read enough into it? Does the word book mean something else like war? Or does the line 'The access of perfection to the page" relate to something other than the fact that it is talking of a group of beautiful words? I guess we won't know because it is how I interpret it.
Bottom line, I do not think that there is no right or wrong in poetry, whether we read into it or not!
Notes in class:
Music is something where you never have to ask about referentiality.
Three things that Luke must leave in THE BEAR:
-Rifle, Compas and Watch (notice they are all devises of technology)
Imagination is integrated an promotes forces of the mind.
Two Forms of Imagination:
-Creative and Decreative
Have a great day....hope ya'll don't read too far into your day!
My Poem is titled "The House was Quite and the World was Calm", and I find it to be very simple. OR is it? I think that it is saying that not matter what happens in the world, reading a book always brings you back down to reality. It calms you and creates a sense of inner peace. Reading a book before one goes to sleep creates calmness, like the words your mother wispers in your ear before bedtime. When you open a book, it is only you and the book.....or you IN the book....or you being the book! By doing this, you are untouchable for that instant, and nothing can break the silence and calmness created.
So! Is that really it....or did i not read enough into it? Does the word book mean something else like war? Or does the line 'The access of perfection to the page" relate to something other than the fact that it is talking of a group of beautiful words? I guess we won't know because it is how I interpret it.
Bottom line, I do not think that there is no right or wrong in poetry, whether we read into it or not!
Notes in class:
Music is something where you never have to ask about referentiality.
Three things that Luke must leave in THE BEAR:
-Rifle, Compas and Watch (notice they are all devises of technology)
Imagination is integrated an promotes forces of the mind.
Two Forms of Imagination:
-Creative and Decreative
Have a great day....hope ya'll don't read too far into your day!
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